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Marta Phillips Jr. Legacy Program Information


Student Eligibility/Qualifications

  1. Students must be in Levels 4/5, 5/6, or 4-6 Classes

  2. Students going above and beyond with Showing interest and working in the following categories

    1. Work Ethic

    2. Overall Progress and Technique

    3. Performance Quality and/or Class Participation

    4. Positive Inspiration to fellow classmates, Teamwork, 

and working with Instructors.

  1. Students will be announced at end of year show in June every year.

  2. How do I get inducted into the program? Look for sign-up and return student consideration form by required return date for the season - answer those questions, just do the best you can in class, just because you might not get picked this year doesn’t mean give up! Just do your best! 


Once inducted into the Marta Phillips Jr. Legacy Program

  • The day you are inducted into the program the student will receive their Jr. Legacy Award to start the program with a medal.

    • Students will also receive ribbons with points in each of the following categories based on the individual students’ progress. This can take 2-3 years to receive all their points in their categories to complete the program. Each year after they are inducted, they will receive only ribbons with their points to get to their total of 20 points!

      1. Work Ethic -1-5 points can be awarded.

      2. Overall Progress and Technique -1-5 points can be awarded.

      3. Performance Quality and/or Class Participation -1-5 points can be awarded.

      4. Positive Inspiration to fellow classmates, Teamwork, and working with Instructors. -1-5 points can be awarded.

  • Students will participate in sent home self-evaluations, instructor evaluations, feedback, and advice.

  • Students’ progress will solely depend on them and how they evolve in each category and participate in the program. Some event opportunities can evolve depending on student’s progress.

  • Once the students receive 20 total points means they have reached the highest status of the program and will receive the Marta Phillips Legacy Award!

  • After receiving the Marta Phillips Legacy Award, the Student is eligible to be inducted in the Marta Phillips Legacy Mentorship Program.


Remember New Students will be inducted each year to this program! And it is all based on each student’s progress! Let’s all strive to work and be the best you!

2021 - Marta Phillips Jr. Legacy Program Recipients

2021 - Marta Phillips Legacy Award Recipient


2022 - Marta Phillips Jr. Legacy Program Recipients

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